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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

Ideas for Data Infused Teaching and Learning Webinar with Dr. Jo Boaler

  • 11 Jun 2020
  • 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
  • Virtual

Join us on June 11, 2020  for an interactive Webinar with Dr. Jo Boaler, Nominelli-Olivier Professor of Education, Stanford and co founder of YouCubed 

This 3-5pm interdisciplinary session is designed to advance data science understanding with science & mathematics teachers.

Join us to be part of the conversation and leave with ways to inspire all your students in understanding our world!

Our world is filled with data and a new, important goal for our teaching is to help students become data literate, learning to make sense of data in their lives and separate fact from fiction. Mathematics and science teachers can teach with a data perspective, integrating ideas from data science into their teaching. The aim of a data science approach is not to add new standards or content to your teaching, it is about interacting with your content in a data science way – that is fun, interesting and creative

To register click here!

$55/person or Teams of 3 or more through a school or district PO would be $50/person.  School-based teams will receive priority. For any questions about registering teams through Purchase Orders, please call or email: Barbara Hopkins 603-834-3527 or

Anne K. Wallace

Education Consultant-Mathematics

PAEMST State Coordinator

NH Department of Education

101 Pleasant Street, Concord, NH 03301


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