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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

NHTM Mathesis Blog

A few years ago, NHTM transitioned its Mathesis newsletter into a blog. We thank Elisabeth Johnston for all of her work as Mathesis Editor during this transition and we welcome Christina Anderson as our new Mathesis Editor.

Blog posts and news items are written quarterly by the NHTM President, Elementary Representative, Middle Level Representative, Secondary Representative, Post-Secondary Representative, and Guests.

To automatically receive updates, make sure to visit the blog site and follow us. Then you will get an email when there is a new post. Also, you will have the chance to comment on posts of interest and share your thinking with other math teachers.  In addition, you will be able to search prior posts for content as well. If you would like to contribute to our blog as a guest, send an e-mail to

We hope that this dynamic form of communication enables us to build a stronger community across the state of New Hampshire.  

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