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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

Duties and Responsibilities of New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics: President



Plans, sets agenda, attends, and presides at the four regularly scheduled board meetings throughout the school year and Spring conference.

E-mails board meeting agenda to board members before each meeting.

Writes four articles for the Mathesis per year. 

Contacts various state professional organizations to coordinate professional development.

Every six years coordinates ATMNE Fall Conference in New Hampshire

Maintains a list of other professional organizations/contacts related to roles and responsibilities as president of NHTM to provide guidance for future presidents.

Oversees efforts of standing committees as outlined in the Constitution and By-Laws.

Coordinates the PAEMST program for Mathematics in the state of New Hampshire in conjunction with the NHDOE

Mathesis Articles

8/1, 11/1, 2/1, 5/1 - deadlines for submission


Plan and organize summer retreat, set agenda to include:
• Budget
• Dates for board meetings, state mathematics contest, spring conference
• Planned activities for the coming year
• Potential resolutions for delegate assembly
• Discussion of other topics identified from previous  board meetings

Call for nominations for the Balomenos, Prevost, and Evans Awards by August 1st.


September, October & November

Attend ATMNE board meeting, present NHTM report written by NHTM's ATMNE rep if necessary. 

Communicate updates about sponsored professional development throughout the school year.

Keep informed of progress of fall Dine & Discuss (Usually MC the event)

Oversee progress of spring conference.


NCTM reports - check status.  

Oversee progress of spring conference.


Chair Balomenos Award Selection Committee.  Recruit past awardees to serve as reviewers.

Oversee progress of spring conference.


Call committee meeting to review Balomenos nominations and select recipient.

Ensures that plaques for awardees are ordered for Spring meeting (coordinates with Awards committees)

Oversee progress of spring conference.


Oversee functions of committees during the conference - cheerleader and ….

Preside at business meeting of Spring Conference.

Announce :

• Award recipients: Prevost/ Evans/ Balomenos

• Election results

• Date and location of next year’s conference (if determined)

• Announce on-going projects and/or professional development activities

• Recognize committee members

• Thank sponsors and vendors


Recruit potential conference chairs for the next Spring Conference in early April.

Attend NCTM delegate assembly, if possible. 

Distribute agenda for May Board Meeting.



The president of each NCTM Affiliate is responsible for submitting an annual report to NCTM either the month before his/her term ends or on the anniversary of his/her term, if the term is more than one year. The annual report is to be completed cooperatively by the Affiliate president and the NCTM representative. Go to


Attend two-day ATMNE board meeting. 

Send thank-you letters to board members' supervisors (written by secretary, signed by president). 

Set a date and place for the retreat.

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