New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics


Section 1      Name

The name of this organization shall be New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics (NHTM).

Section 2      Purpose

The purposes of NHTM shall be:

     to increase interest in mathematics,

     to secure improvement in the methods of teaching and learning mathematics,

     to improve the selection of the subject matter,

     to establish close relations among teachers and users of mathematics,

     and to promote professional and social relations among mathematics teachers in schools and   


Section 3      Members

Any person interested in the purposes of NHTM may become a member. Institutional membership shall be available for elementary schools. Honorary members may be elected by the Executive Board.

Section 4      Officers and Council 

The Officers of NHTM shall be:

     President, Secretary, and Treasurer

The Council shall consist of 14 members:

     Five members: one each representing elementary, middle-grades, secondary, postsecondary and 

     school administration;

     the immediate Past-President or President-Elect;

     the representative of NHTM to the Board of Directors of ATMNE;

     the representative of NHTM to NCTM; the chair of the membership committee;

     the Mathematics Consultant for the New Hampshire Department of Education;

     the Editor of the Newsletter;

     the Media and Public Relations Representative;

     the Historian; and

     the Webmaster.

The officers together with the Council members shall constitute the Executive Board.

Section 5      Elections

The Officers and the Council members, except for the school administration representative, the chair of the Membership Committee, the Mathematics Consultant for the Department of Education, the Editor of the Newsletter, the Media and Public Relations Representative, the Historian, and the Webmaster, shall be elected by the members.

The President-Elect shall be elected in odd-numbered years, become President after one year, and serve a term of two years, to be followed by a term of one year as Past-President.

The Secretary and the Treasurer shall serve for two years and may be reelected at the will of the organization. The Secretary shall be elected in even years, the Treasurer in odd years, so that their terms shall overlap. The four grade-level members of the Council shall serve for three years, the post-secondary elected in years congruent to 0 mod 3, secondary and middle-grades members in years congruent to 1 mod 3, and the elementary member in years congruent to 2 mod 3. The NCTM representative shall serve for three years, elected in years congruent to 2 mod 3. The representative to ATMNE shall be elected by NHTM in years congruent to 1 mod 3 and shall serve in accordance with the constitution of ATMNE.

The school administration representative, the chair of the Membership Committee, the Editor of the Newsletter, the Media and Public Relations Representative, the Historian, and the Webmaster shall be appointed annually by the elected members of the Executive Board of the organization and shall serve at the will of the Officers.

All elections shall take place prior to or at the annual business meeting of NHTM and become effective at the last Executive Board meeting in the spring of that year.

Section 6      Duties

It shall be the duty of the President to preside at all meetings of NHTM and the Executive Board and to assume all other duties customarily devolving upon this office, except as otherwise provided in this Constitution and By-Laws.

The immediate Past-President or President-Elect shall assume the duties of the President whenever necessary.

The Secretary shall keep minutes of the meetings of the Executive Board and of the annual business meeting of NHTM; be responsible for all official notices of NHTM and their distribution; and be responsible for all official records of NHTM. The Treasurer shall collect all monies due NHTM; prepare a budget for consideration by the Board at its spring meeting; be custodian of the NHTM funds, expend funds as authorized by the Board; and prepare a financial report for each Executive Board meeting and the annual business meeting.

The elementary, middle-grades, secondary, and post-secondary representatives shall attend all Executive Board meetings; prepare/secure articles for the NHTM newsletter as directed by the Executive Board of NHTM and assume other duties that may be assigned by the Executive Board of NHTM.

The NCTM representative shall represent NHTM at the NCTM Annual Meeting and Exposition, report on that meeting to the Executive Board at its spring meeting, be responsible for the distribution, sale of NCTM materials as defined by NCTM policy, at meetings hosted by NHTM, and assume other duties that may be assigned by the Executive Board of NHTM.

The ATMNE representative shall represent NHTM at all meetings of the Board of Directors of ATMNE, report on these meetings to the Executive Board of NHTM, and assume other duties as may be required by the Board of Directors of ATMNE or assigned by the Executive Board of NHTM.

Section 7      Committees

There shall be six standing committees: Membership, Conference, Nominations, Scholarship, Awards, and State Mathematics Contest. The composition, term of service, and specific duties of these committees shall be determined by the Executive Board, except as noted in the By-Laws.

Section 8      Dues

There shall be annual dues as set by the Executive Board, payable in advance. The fiscal year of the organization shall run from September 1 to August 31.

Section 9      Amendments

The constitution may be amended at the annual business meeting of NHTM by a two-thirds vote of the members present, provided that notice of the proposed change has been given to all members at least 30 days prior to such meeting.

Section 10    Dissolution

Upon the dissolution of this organization, assets shall be distributed for one or more except purposes within the meaning of section 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code or corresponding section of any future Federal Tax code, or shall be distributed to the Federal Government, or to a state or local government, for a public purpose.


Section 1      Membership

One becomes a full member of NHTM by paying the specified dues. Full membership in NHTM      

automatically entitles one to all benefits of ATMNE. NHJEM (New Hampshire Joint Elementary Membership) members have all the benefits of membership in NHTM except membership in ATMNE.

Section 2      Affiliation

NHTM shall be an affiliate of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.

Section 3      Meetings

There will be one annual business meeting of NHTM, to be held in the spring. Other meetings may be called at the discretion of the Executive Board.

Section 4      Dues

The annual dues shall be set by the Executive Board. The dues for full members shall be apportioned between NHTM and ATMNE according to the Constitution and By-Laws of ATMNE.

Section 5     Committees

Conference: The Conference Committee shall be chaired by a member of NHTM selected by the

                   Executive Board. The Committee Chair shall be appointed no later than the spring

                   meeting of the Executive Board and shall be responsible for the next Annual


Membership: The Chair of the Membership Committee shall be appointed by the elected members of

                    the Executive Board and together with her/his committee shall promote membership in

                    NHTM, maintain the membership list, mail notices of dues to all members, and report

                    to NHTM the names and addresses of all NHTM members. The Committee will arrange

                    for membership promotion activities at all meetings of NHTM.

Nominations: The Nominations Committee shall discharge those duties specified in these By-Laws:

Section 6      Funds

The Treasurer of NHTM has power to disburse funds to meet all normal operating costs of NHTM. Extraordinary expenditures must be approved by the Executive Board. The Executive Board shall arrange for an annual audit of the Treasurer’s records.

 Section 7     Elections

The Nominations Committee will consist of three members, one of which will be the immediate Past-President or the President-Elect as chairperson. A call for nominations with the position’s job description will be published in the early and the late fall/winter newsletter. The Nominations Committee will use the nominations from the call and other sources to form a ballot by January 15. The ballot will consist of two nominations for each office plus a space for write-ins. Each nominee that appears on the ballot will have submitted written consent to the Nominations Committee. The ballots will be composed with brief descriptions of the nominees, will be posted on the NHTM website, and sent to the membership. The ballots will be cast via the Internet and the results shall be announced at the annual business meeting of NHTM to be held in the spring. A plurality will determine the election. The Nominations Committee will be responsible for counting the ballots and for announcing the new officers at the annual business meeting. The Nominations Committee will notify all nominees of the elections’ results. In the event of a tie, the election committee will send out notification to the membership and hold a run-off election via the Internet within two weeks of the spring annual business meeting. After the two week deadline designated by the election committee, the Nomination Committee will count the ballots and announce the new officer(s) to the membership. In the event of a resignation from an elected or appointed office of the NHTM Board, the president will appoint a successor to serve the remainder of the term. This will be done with the approval of the Board by simple majority.

Section 8      Amendments

These By-Laws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Executive Board by a two-thirds vote of the Board members.

Revised: 04-05-2013

Revised: 12-03-2014 & August 4, 2015 (By-Law 7)


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