NHTM is thrilled to announce a virtual state-wide book study centered on Peter Liljedahl’s book, “Building Thinking Classrooms in Mathematics, Grades K-12”. Meet colleagues from across New Hampshire, and come away with ready-to-use instructional strategies for your classroom!
If you are a PreK-12 teacher in a New Hampshire school, you may apply for reimbursement of your book purchase (up to $40). Should interest exceed available funding, preference will be given to applicants who teach at a Title 1 school, are in the first three years of teaching, or present another statement of need. For full consideration, teachers desiring reimbursement are encouraged to register for the book study and apply for reimbursement by September 30th, 2021. Reimbursement request forms will be emailed to registered participants, and participants must attend at least two out of the first three meetings to qualify for reimbursement.
The book can be ordered from:
Alran Books (alranbooks.com; use code NHTM21 by October 15th to get 15% off)
Amazon (smile.amazon.com/ch/02-0349434; Amazon Smile will donate to NHTM!)
This project was funded by a grant from the New Hampshire Charitable Foundation's Joan Dwyer and Jane Dwyer Charitable Fund.