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New Hampshire Teachers of Mathematics  

A Night of Notice and Wonder: 2022 Virtual Dine and Discuss and Business Meeting

  • 23 Mar 2022
  • 4:30 PM
  • Zoom Meeting
  • 232


  • Discounted registration for current NHTM Premium Members
  • University faculty and advisors are encouraged to contact ( to obtain the registration access code for their students.

Registration is closed

The NHTM 2022 Conference and Business Meeting will be a Virtual Meeting with a Dine and Discuss format. Bring your own dinner and spend the evening networking with other New Hampshire mathematics teachers.

Annie Fetter will deliver the keynote address:

Notice and Wonder: Gateway to Student Sense-Making

About the speaker: Annie Fetter worked on the project that developed the first version of the Geometer’s Sketchpad and was a founding staff member of the Math Forum until it ended in 2017.  Currently, she consults with schools, districts, states, and a world-famous art museum, and speaks at conferences, encouraging a focus on sense-making and leveraging students’ ideas. She is a contributing author of McGraw Hill Education’s new K-5 textbook series, Reveal Math, and works part-time for the 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education, continuing the Math Forum’s research and outreach.  Her very first Ignite talk, “Ever Wonder What They’d Notice?", has been used in countless PD sessions around the world.

Professional development certificates will be sent to all participants.

Cost: $20 for NHTM Basic Members and nonmembers, $10 for NHTM Premium Members, free to NH full-time undergraduate students. 

If you are involved in New Hampshire mathematics education and have not joined NHTM, we encourage you to do so. Basic membership is free! Not a Premium Member but want the discount? This is a good time to convince your school to enroll you and your colleagues in a premium membership (as low as $25 for 19 people)!

While you are on our website, we hope you will consider supporting NHTM's scholarship fund. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated.

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